Bhaktivedanta Institute has been organizing for the past 15 years, its series of conferences under the head of AISSQ. The series was conceptualized by ​​Dr. T. D. Singh (His Holiness Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami), the founding director of Bhaktivedanta Institute. Dr. Singh had lots of concern for the student community with regard to their holistic development. He felt our younger generations were exposed to the latest scientific and technological developments in various disciplines at numerous colleges and universities around the world, but lacked spiritual foundation to make proper use of them. Hence, he felt the need to organize students’ conference on the interface of Science and Spirituality for the holistic growth of their personality. With this vision, Dr. Singh conceptualized and commenced the series on All India Students’ Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest (AISSQ) in December 2005 at Vrindavan, UP. However, by the will of Providence, Dr. Singh left for the spiritual abode on 2 October 2006. He had made all the arrangements for the 2nd AISSQ conference that was held in December 2006 in Puri, Orissa. Dr. Singh also expressed his noble desire for the third and fourth AISSQ conferences in the series to be organized in Tirupati and Sri Rangam (Trichy), respectively. Today, inspired by his vision, his students, friends and well-wishers throughout the world are making a humble attempt to carry out his grand vision for harmonizing the modern culture through the synthesis of science and spirituality.

The conference’s main objective is to enthuse the young minds of India to delve into the subject of science keeping along the element of spirituality and:

  1. Enable delegates to visualize deeper explorations of mathematics and thereby highlight the linkage of Science with philosophical and spiritual explorations of the reality
  2. Foster discussions that communicate a thorough understanding of various subjects in the interface of Science and Spirituality such as Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, Computational Mathematics and incompleteness, Space, Time and Geometry, Formalism/Intuitionism, Mysterious mathematical numbers, mathematics and freewill, theistic interpretations of Science and its philosophy, Science/mathematics in ancient texts, Science/mathematics in art, spirituality and music, role of scientific research in understanding the reality.
  3. To create widespread awareness on the science-spirituality interface through a deeper exploration of Science and Spirituality.
  4. To discuss the works of the founding fathers of Science and understand philosophical, mystical and spiritual experiences that accompanied their glorious discoveries in Science.
  5. To inspire the younger generation to pursue a research-oriented career through interactions with leading scientists and researchers from India and abroad in the field of Science or Spirituality or their synthesis.
  6. To mature, converge and cater holistic interpretations of Science through all inclusive holistic integration of science, philosophy and spirituality.
  7. To encourage younger generation for deeper philosophical and spiritual exploration of modern sciences and pave the way for a prosperous and peaceful society.
  8. To identify competent and sustainable platforms that foster fundamental and applied research in the field of Science and Spirituality.
  9. To encourage research credentials in Indian academic community towards Science and Spirituality.
  10. To target the formation of interdisciplinary research groups in Science and Spirituality by encouraging cross-disciplinary research in mathematics, philosophy, consciousness and Vedanta/Spirituality.

The institute has so far organized 11 successful AISSQs. They are listed here:

  1. 2005: AISSQ, Vrindavan, U.P, India
  2. 2006: AISSQ, Puri, Orissa, India
  3. 2007: AISSQ, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. The keynote speaker of the conference was Nobel Laureate, Professor Roger Kornberg. Around 1400 delegates attended the conference.
  4. 2008: AISSQ, NIT Tiruchirapalli, Taminadu, India
  5. 2010: AISSQ, MNNIT, Allahabad, U.P, India
  6. 2011: AISSQ, Delhi, India in collaboration with Delhi Technological University (DTU). President of India inaugurated the conference with around 500 delegates.
  7. 2012: AISSQ, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore with around 800 delegates.
  8. 2014: AISSQ, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-BHU), Varanasi with around 1200 delegates.
  9. 2015: AISSQ, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur with around 500 delegates.
  10. 2016: AISSQ, Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura with around 1000 delegates
  11. 2018: AISSQ, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-BBSR), Bhubaneswar with around 300 delegates.