Quantum Physics & Consciousness
The present volume is being brought out as an 80th Birth Anniversary commemorative volume in honor of Dr. T.D. Singh, Founder-Director of Bhaktivedanta Institute.
Starting with the thoughts of the Founding Fathers of Quantum Physics in their own words in the first section, where one will find unheard-before conclusions drawn by these renowned thinkers of all times from the mysteries of quantum physics, the book in its second section takes us further into conclusions drawn by some of the contemporary renowned scholars of our times, such as Wigner’s emphatic article on consciousness in modern physics, various paradigm shifts coming in science by Amit Goswami, analyzing state-of-art in various experiments attempted for quantum
mechanics in recent times by Nobel Laureate in Physics A J Leggett and the central role of observer and free will in physics by Zurich in-depth physicist Antonie Suarez.
The third section focuses on possible connections between quantum physics and life; between physics and psychology, as Pauli and Wigner desired long ago, whereas section four traverses one more step and enters possible connections of quantum physics with spiritual wisdom and its theistic interpretations.
Big Thinkers

Eugene P. Wigner
Nobel laureate in Physics

Anthony J. Leggett
Nobel Laureate in Physics,
Professor pf Physics, University of Illinois,

Amit Goswami
Center for Quantum Activism,
Eugene, USA

Gerald L. Schroeder
Physicist, Aish HaTorah College
of Jewish Studies, Israel

Ian J. Thompson
Center for Seenborgian Studies,
Berkeley, USA

Jagdish N. Srivastava
CNS Research Professor Emeritus,
Colorado State University, USA
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I can recommend Sri Caitanya-caritamrta as a source of rich insights for every serious student of consciousness.
Dr. T. D. Singh
Founder of Bhaktivedanta Institute