Mathematics and Reality
Mathematics has been having a deep ageless bond with Human beings. Man has been deploying his cognitive abilities to decode the secrets of Nature, as man only can see that there are patterns everywhere and a pattern of patterns, a pattern of patterns of patterns and so on. He wants to find the absolute pattern and the cause of even that. For this, man deploys many artifacts to map these patterns with his cognition and this way the patterns spread around in the nature start getting confined in his tiny intelligence.
The present volume is an attempt to get closer to Reality through Mathematics aided by thoughts by great mathematicians of all times, and thoughts by some brilliant minds belonging to current era. These thoughts present to us a completely unique paradigm to traverse Reality through Mathematics.
The first section is devoted to great minds, they being of the likes of Euler who talks about Spirit dwelling in a body; Bernhard Riemann taking us to the deep foundations of Geometry; Newton himself, talking about Infinity(ies); Leibniz explaining why a ‘Perfect Being’ exists; Cantor talking about his favorite Infinity; Pascal nicely making the distinction clear, between mathematical mind and the intuitive mind; Leibniz once again talking about the ultimate origin of things; and Brouwer on intuitionistic mathematics. Many other great thoughts too have been included in this section.
With the intellect already infused with such thoughts, the reader then lands on the second section “Foundations of Mathematics” which again is profusely flooded with scintillating articles. This section has an article by (late) Prof. J. N. Srivastava, a reputed statistician and Mathematician, wherein he presents his matured insights and expert mathematical presentation on establishing the existence of a non-material Higher Reality. This whole volume is a tribute to him as well. Section Three is devoted to “Mathematics, Life and Nature”. Articles in this section take a step further and present a possible mathematical modelling of life, Consciousness and Evolution. Section Four presents ontological arguments to prove existence of God, and this way and others, tries hand at establishing a connection between Mathematics, Computation and Divinity, if there is any. Section Five is devoted to Infinity, a concept which has since long mesmerized many, and to zero which is even more involving. Mathematics and Arts, and their connection since ages are the subject matter in the last section Section Six.
Big Thinkers

Pier luigi Luisi
Professor Emeritus ETH- Zurich

Anthony J. Leggett
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

P. B. Sharma
Vice Chancellor, Amity University Gurgaon,
President, Association of Indian Universities, AIU

Gregory Chaitin
Federal University, Rio de Janeiro

Ian J. Thompson
Center for Seenborgian Studies,
Berkeley, USA

V. Kannan
SRM University, Andhra Pradesh, India
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