Lecture series on

My Journey of


Organized by

Bhaktivedanta Institute

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Upcoming Nobel Laureate Lecture
Prof. Morten Peter Meldal

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

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Upcoming Lecture Date

April 9, 2025

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nobel laureate lectures

Nobel laureate in Chemistry

Prof. Morten Peter Meldal

Nobel laureate in Physics

Prof. David J. Wineland

Nobel laureate in Physics

Prof. William D. Phillips

On the occasion of
50 years of
Bhaktivedanta Institute

The most important product of a creative mind is an invention. Its ultimate aim is the rule of mind over nature and the use of its forces for the needs of mankind.

Nikola Tesla

Prolific Inventor & Engineer

Law of Universal Gravitation

Sir Isaac Newton

World's First Successful Vaccine

Dr. Edward Jenner


W. C. Röntgen

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

Albert Einstein

Theoretical Physicist
Nobel Leaureate in Physics

Questions this series will explore

Morten P. Meldal

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry