Mathematics and


Organized International Conferences on Mathematics and Spirituality

Mathematics and Reality

Exploration from Science and Spiritual & Religious Traditions

The conference spaned multiple topics related to Mathematics & reality, they being: Mathematics and Life; Computation, Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness; The Concept of Infinity; Foundations of Set Theory and Spirituality; Self-referencing and Self-realization; Space, Time, Geometry and Beyond; Gödel, Ramanujan, Weyl and Gauss: Thoughts of Founding Fathers; Undecidability, Uncomputability and Incompleteness 

All India Students Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest

Mathematics and the Ultimate Reality
The conference proceedings of the 4th All India Students’ Conference on Science and Spiritual Quest contains thoughts from 28 eminent speakers on their quests for science and spirituality. They have pondered deep into various areas such as genetic engineering, quantum physics, evolutionary biology, mathematics, philosophy, economics, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and cosmology, and have brought out many threads of wisdom. Their realizations are a valuable source Of knowledge and will provide genuine guidance to the sincere seekers of knowledge in their search for deeper answers concerning life and our universe.

Summer and Winter Schools

Organized Summer Schools on Mathematics and Spirituality

Mathematics, Logic and Spirituality

Topics covered:
1. Foundations of Mathematics
2. Thoughts of some Brilliant Mathematicians of all times
3. Logic, Thoughts and I
4. Understanding Vedanta through Computer Simulation Model


Mathematics and Spirituality

The highlights of this school were :

  • God and Laws of Physics
  • Mathematics and Spirituality
  • Science of Happiness
  • Mystery of Consciousness
  • Science of Bhagavadgita
  • Cultivating Creativity and so on.

Bhaktivedanta Publications

Publications on Mathematics and Spirituality


Mathematics and Reality

Mathematics has been having a deep ageless bond with Human beings. Man has been deploying his cognitive abilities to decode the secrets of Nature, as man only can see that there are patterns everywhere and a pattern of patterns, a pattern of patterns of patterns and so on. He wants to find the absolute pattern and the cause of even that. For this, man deploys many artifacts to map these patterns with his cognition and this way the patterns spread around in the nature start getting confined in his tiny intelligence.


Savijnanam-Vol. 10

This volume is filled with thoughts from great minds and thinkers. The first article in this volume for instance, talks about the subtleties of mathematics. This article is essentially a dialogue between our revered Sri. K. Vasudeva Rao, President, Bhaktivedanta Institute, and Enrico Bomberie, Professor (Emeritus), Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. A renowned mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1974 for his brilliant work in Number Theory, he takes us through the history of Mathematics in a humorous, informative, elaborate, and hence a very thrilling ride. 


Tattvajijnasa-Vol. 1

Tattvajigyasa is comprised of two Sanskrit words, tattva and jigyasa. Tattva means the Absolute Truth, the Ultimate Reality and jigyasa means inquiry. So Tattvajigyasa means inquiry into the Absolute Truth or the Ultimate Reality. Early in this millennium, we are surrounded by unparallel frontiers of science – from nanotechnology, to bioengineering, to string theory, to space science and vast other scientific disciplines. The advancements in science and technology have revolutionized our life, from air transportation to high speed communications, computers, semiconductors, microchips, lasers, fiber optics, etc. 

Books, Journals and Magazines

Mathematics and Divinity Bundle

The Bundle contains 4 books listed below:

  • Mathematics and Reality
  • SAVIJNANAM – Scientific Exploration For A Spiritual Paradigm – Vol 10
  • SAVIJNANAM – Scientific Exploration For A Spiritual Paradigm – Vol 9
  • TATTVAJIJNASA Vol 1- Scientific And Spiritual Quest For Ultimate Reality

Featured Lectures

Lectures by eminent speakers

Mathematics and Reality – A Short Introduction

Shri Varun Agarwal,
Director, Bhaktivedanta Institute, Kolkata

In Search of Top-down Mathematical Laws

Prof. Sudipto Ghosh,
Metallurgical & Materials Engg., IIT Kharagpur