Course Description

What may be less well known is that DNA is, by itself, an essentially inert substance. It is no more than a set of coded instructions … When it comes to implementing the instructions, DNA can do nothing by itself.

             — Christian de Duve

Life,’ though a tiny word, seems one of the greatest mysteries for mankind. Who are we? What about ‘my’ DNA? Is there some meaning to our life? What about our life’s characteristics – mind, consciousness and free will? Do they really exist? How far can they be comprehended?

The marvellous exhibition of various life forms on earth has always delighted the minds of the scientist, theologian, philosopher, artist, poet as well as every thoughtful person. The age old quest to understand life and its origin seems to be of utmost importance to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Thus, the inquisitive minds of humans are ever increasingly seeking definite answers and explanations about life and its origin. During this online course you will learn all about this.



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