Does God exist?

Are God and His personality are mere an imagination of human mind? Or does He really exist with divine attributes? If He exists and has personality, what kind of person He is? Like us with physical bodies shaped by genome and acting in space-time? Or a transcendental personality beyond the comprehension of our tiny brains? This volume is an excellent presentation of two classic dialogues T. D. Singh had with two Nobel physicists, both in lasers – Charles Townes and William Phillips. Charles Townes received Nobel prize in physics in 1964 for his discovery of laser and maser and won the Templeton Prize in 2005. His work on the laser opened the way to today’s vast technological revolution and the precise instruments of our latest science. William Phillips received 1997 Nobel Prize for using lasers to cool and trap neutral atoms which paved the way for scientists to create the highly astonishing Bose-Einstein condensation. T. D. Singh, who himself is a scientist with PhD from the University of California, Irvine, USA as well as a spiritualist in the Bhaktivedanta tradition of India, met them personally and had profound exchange with both of them. He has been a pioneer in advancing science and religion dialogue from over three decades. The fine reflections of these remarkable thinkers of our times presented in this volume will help readers further shape their perceptions about the nature of the ultimate reality or God.

God is very personal. He has very personal interactions with us … I think there is continuous interaction between God and this universe, especially with us personally. That is very important to our lives. … I believe that and I feel it.
— Charles Townes

I think that what God wants from us is to have a personal relationship with Him and to have good personal relationships with each other. That’s why we’re here. … the relationship God wants us to have with Him is a kind of model…. It models for us the kinds of relationships we ought to have with each other.
William Phillips

… the Personality aspect of God … does not imply that the concept is anthropomorphic. It is not that we give a human shape or characteristic to a god or anything whimsically. Rather it is the revelation of God Himself to self-realized transcendentalists.
T. D. Singh

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