Conference 2017
Quantum Physics & Consciousness
February 4-5, 2017
Is life Based on the Laws of Physics?” was one of the chapters in the book, What is Life? by Schrödinger. Schrödinger, as we all are, was perplexed with the question of life – a question that inspired and engaged Dr. T. D. Singh throughout his life. Childhood difficulties nurtured him towards his quest for life and perhaps, it was making of his mission. His thoughts about ‘life’ were further crystallized after his momentous meeting with the well-known spiritual leader and proponent of Vedic philosophy of the 20th century, Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who taught him about the deeper aspects of life,’ far from the chemistry of life that he was learning during science classes. Dr. Singh was convinced that the existing scientific framework was unable to explain life, its origin and meaning.
Dr. Singh studied the Vedantic model of life and its origin, very carefully examining it from a modern scientific perspective. He coined the term “Spiriton” for jivatman or life particle described in Vedantic literatures. Not only did he carefully study the Vedantic conception of life but by following the devotional yogic principles under the guidance of Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, he could realize the deeper truths about life revealed by the Vedanta. He felt the necessity for a paradigm shift within the scientific framework.
Quantum Physics & Consciousness
Understanding Consciousness through Quantum Physics
With the central theme being the understanding of the element of Consciousness through the lens of Quantum Physics, the conference was jointly organized by Bhaktivedanta Institute, Kolkata and Bharatiya Vidya Mandir, and witnessed a heartfelt participation by people from various corners of society, be it from Physics, or Mathematics, or Philosophy, or even Spiritual Seekers. The wide range of themes and topics across gave the conference its splendid aura and profoundness. The expert speakers from across the country as well as abroad kept the audience fully attentive and engrossed with their presentation styles and talks. The conference was attended by over 300 participants who in turn came from IITs, IISERs, AIIMS, IISC, Jadavpur University, IACS, ISI and many other elite institutions of the country.
Rabindra Tirtha, Kolkata, India
February 4-5, 2017
Featured Video
By eminent Speakers around the world
Interface of Quantum Physics with Consciousness
Prof. Partho Ghosh
Some memorable moments of conference

Quantum Physics & Consciousness
Exploration from Science and Spiritual & Religious Traditions
The marvellous exhibition of various life forms on earth has always delighted the minds of the scientist, theologian, philosopher, artist, poet as well as every thoughtful person. The age old quest to understand life and its origin seems to be of utmost importance to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Thus, the inquisitive minds of humans are ever increasingly seeking definite answers and explanations about life and its origin. Realizing the need for a synthesis, through dialogue between the leaders of scientific and spiritual traditions, Dr. T. D. Singh, also known as Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, initiated major conferences and seminars to bring noted scientists, philosophers, modern intellectuals and spiritual leaders on a common platform for open dialogue. He also held numerous science-spirituality dialogues personally with many prominent scientists, including several Nobel Laureates.