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Bhaktivedanta Books
Acclaimed books on
Science & Spirituality
Life and Its Origin
The marvelous exhibition of various life forms on earth has always delighted the minds of the scientist, theologian, philosopher, artist, poet as well as every thoughtful person.
Quantum Physics & Consciousness
With the central theme being the understanding of the element of Consciousness through the lens of Quantum Physics, the conference was jointly organized by Bhaktivedanta Institute,
Mathematics & Reality
Mathematics has been having a deep ageless bond with Human beings. Man has been deploying his cognitive abilities to decode the secrets of Nature, as man only can see that there are patterns everywhere and
God is A Person
Open reflections of 2 Nobel Laureates: Charles H. Townes, inventor of laser and maser, & William D. Phillips, pioneer of laser cooling of atoms. Are God and His personality mere imagination
In this unique the author investigates life and the secrets of the origin of the universe and depicts the relevanceof Vedantic wisdom in the context of modern scientific and technological developements.
The author, who underwent rigorous practice both as a firm scientist and as a profound Vedantist, has brought out some most precious and deeper aspects of the mystery of consciousness in this volume.
The pursuit of Happiness is the common goal of every living being. All around the world, human beings toil day and night, ultimately, for the single purpose of being happy. In this age of scientific and technological advancement
The existence and nature of God has been debated since the beginning of mankind. Could the recent spectacular advancements in science and technology help us explore the question of God in newer ways?
God is very personal. He has very personal interactions with us … I think there is continuous interaction between God and this universe, especially with us personally. That is very important to our lives. … I believe that and I feel it.
— Charles Townes
Inventor of laser and maser

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