7th AISSQ Conference on
Integrating Capabilities
with Values
IISc Bangalore
September 1-2, 2012
Seventh AISSQ Conference (AISSQ-2012), held during 1 – 2 September 2012 was hosted at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore. Padma Bhushan Prof. V. S. Ramamurthy, Former Director, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore; Padma Shri Dr. V. K. Saraswat, Former Director General, DRDO; Sri R Sri Kumar, Director General of Police (Retd.) Karnataka; Dr. R. P. Singh, Executive Vice-Chairman of Jindal Power Limited, Haryana; Padma Shri B. M. Hegde, Former VC, Manipal Institute of Higher Education; Prof. A.K. Mukhopadhyay, AIIMS, New Delhi (retd.); Prof. P. B. Sharma, Former Vice-Chancellor, Delhi Technological University, Delhi; Prof. N. Balakrishnan, Former Associate Director, IISc, Bangalore; Honorable Ex-Railway Minister Shri C. K. Jaffer Sharief graced the Conference. More than 750 delegates from premier Institutes participated in the conference sessions (seven plenary sessions, students’ poster session, essay winner presentations, a panel discussion and cultural functions). The conference also featured a National Level Students’ Essay Competition on “Man vs Machine – Discovering the uniqueness of Being Human”, where the winners were given the chance to present their essays during the Conference.
Conference Poster
Integrating Capabilities
with Values
The scientific pursuit is led by a quest starting with a hypothesis, pursued with logic and modeled with scientific tools of analysis, verified and validated by experimentation. Experimental verification forms the heart of the scientific inquiry. Spirituality, on the other hand, guides one to lead a complete, ethical and purposeful life. It guides one how to manage oneself – to control one’s emotions from the hardest moments of our lives to joyous ones. It provides a bigger picture of life and deals with the very word ‘life’ itself. It brings out inner dimensions of our life and being, from our heartfelt emotions to our fine dealings with our colleagues to our search for deeper meaning behind all what there is – the aspects which are so vital to us but still escapes the grasp of most advanced particle accelerators.
IISc Bangalore, India
September 1-2, 2012
Some memorable moments of conference

A fine mix of scientific pursuits endowed with technical skills and spiritual wisdom providing core aspects of our being would set an individual and humanity towards holistic growth. The present volume containing wisdom from about a dozen of invited scholars, reflects on some of these aspects, covering various areas of physics, cosmology, mathematics, neuroscience, consciousness, leadership, administration, and environment. It will be a useful resource for all those who aspire to lead a complete life, whether a student, a professional, an administrator, or a scientist.