5th AISSQ Conference on
Bridging Science & Spirituality
MNNIT Allahabad
January 15-17, 2010
Fifth AISSQ Conference (AISSQ-2010) was organized at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT) Allahabad, during 15 – 17 January 2010, with a broad theme of bringing awareness on science-spirituality in the academic community especially young scholars. The AISSQ-2010 was jointly organized by the Bhaktivedanta Institute, Kolkata and the MNNIT Allahabad. Prof. K. L. Chopra, Former Director, IIT Kharagpur & President, Society for Scientific Values, New Delhi was the Chief Guest, Prof. P. B. Sharma, Former Vice Chancellor, Delhi Technological University and Prof. Kripa Shanker, Deputy Director, IIT Kanpur, was the Guest of Honors for the Conference. The conference included a National Level Students’ Essay Competition on “What is Life – Scientific & Indian Spiritual Perspectives on the Nature, Purpose, Meaning and Origin of Life”, allowing the winners to showcase their essays during the event.
Conference Poster
Bridging Science & Spirituality
The eternal quest to understand the self, cosmos, and the ultimate reality and their purpose is a reflection of mature human creative and philosophical capabilities. While empirical human inquiries manifest as mathematics, physics, life sciences, chemistry, cosmology, etc., subjective aspects of the quest are thoroughly addressed in philosophy, ethics, moral values, psychology, etc. The most fundamental spiritual quest culminates in the following five questions: Who am I; Why am I suffering; How can I prosper; What is the eternal goal of life; and How can one attain the eternal goal of life. A subjective projection of scientific quest also opens the paradigm to these absolute jewel questions. While spirituality asserts upon the fundamental existence of God and the most sublime quest associated with the purpose of the creation, the scientific quest culminates in asserting upon the characteristic attributes of the ultimate reality.
MNNIT Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
January 15-17, 2010
The finest levels of inquiry in science reflect upon subjective and stronger possibilities for an intelligent being to be behind the working functions of the universe. The most striking, amazing, and joyful aspects of the finest scientific quests are to affirm a spiritual reality. Encompassing upon the finest aspects of scientific and spiritual quest, the present volume exhilarates readers to delve deeper into the sublime knowledge associated with the meaning and purpose of life, nature of consciousness, ancient Indian science and technology, ethics, etc. Contributed by thoughtful and reputed scholars in diverse disciplines of science, technology, social sciences, and the professional world.