Life and Its Origin

Topics Covered

  • Darwinism
  • Evolution
  • DNA
  • RNA
  • Anthropy
  • Molecular motor
  • Abiogenesis
  • Cosmic Biology
  • Mind-Body Problem
  • Metaphysics
  • Theology
  • Memetic Evolution
  • Consciousness
  • Free-will
  • Beyond Quantum Theory
  • Quantum measurement and its paradox
  • Soul
  • Biodiverity
  • Vedic Concept of Life
  • Biblical Perspectives on Life
  • Islamic Perspectives on Life


The marvellous exhibition of various life forms on earth has always delighted the minds of the scientist, theologian, philosopher, artist, poet as well as every thoughtful person. The age old quest to understand life and its origin seems to be of utmost importance to understand the meaning and purpose of life. Thus, the inquisitive minds of humans are ever increasingly seeking definite answers and explanations about life and its origin. Realizing the need for a synthesis, through dialogue between the leaders of scientific and spiritual traditions, Dr. T. D. Singh, also known as Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami, initiated major conferences and seminars to bring noted scientists, philosophers, modern intellectuals and spiritual leaders on a common platform for open dialogue.

He also held numerous science-spirituality dialogues personally with many prominent scientists, including several Nobel Laureates. One of his major efforts was the Second International Congress on Life and its Origin in Rome during 12-14 November, 2004. This book is derived from that conference. Dr. Singh was working on these articles and was inviting other articles from authors of various disciplines. As the development of this book was enthusiastically progressing, Dr. Singh left this planet and was called to a different world in 2006. This valuable work was resumed by the current editorial board and by his blessings it has been successfully completed. Topics of this kind are as fresh as ever, nourishing the mind and the soul. We hope the book will enable the readers to appreciate multidisciplinary approaches highlighting the multidimensional aspects of life and will lay the foundation for the complementary approach of science and spirituality in the quest to understand life and its origin.

Big Thinkers

Werner Arber

Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine,
University of Basel, Switzerland

Christian de Duve

Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine,
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry,
The Rockefeller University, US

Brian D. Josephson

Nobel Laureate in Physics,
Director of the Mind-Matter Unification Project,
Department of Physics, Cambridge

Chandra Wickramasinghe

Professor and Director of the Buckingham
Centre for Astrobiology, University of Buckingham, UK

V. Raman

Emeritus Professor of Physics and Humanities,
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Jagdish N. Srivastava

CNS Research Professor Emeritus,
Colorado State University, USA

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I can recommend Sri Caitanya-caritamrta as a source of rich insights for every serious student of consciousness.

Dr. T. D. Singh
Founder of Bhaktivedanta Institute


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